Dragon Ball Z Legacy Of Goku 2 Train With Master Roshi

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Dragon Ball Z: A Saiyan's Legacy

What would happen if Goku/Kakarot was teached martial arts and ki control by his father. And what if Frieza destroyed Planet Vegeta a few years after Goku was born so he was set to Planet Earth and the events happen as they normally do?

Gohan was walking around Mount Paozu when he heard a crash nearby. He went to check it out and when he got there he saw a 4 year old boy with spiky black hair in a pod. The pod opened and out came the boy with Saiyan armor and a tail. Gohan went to the boy and the boy looked at Gohan, 'Excuse me, but where did you come from?' Gohan asked the boy, 'Um. I came from a planet that is very far away from here. Can you please tell me who you are and where I am?' The boy asked Gohan

'My name is Gohan young man and you are on Mount Paozu.' Gohan replied

'Can you tell me what planet I am on?' The boy asked Gohan

'You are on Planet Earth. Can you tell me your name now?' Gohan asked as the boy nodded

'My name is Kakarot.' Kakarot responded

'Kakarot hmm? That's a hard name to pronounce. How about I call you Son Goku?' Gohan said as Goku thought about it for a moment and then nodded, 'That sounds fine by me Grandpa Gohan.' Goku said as he smiled. Which made Gohan smile as well.

'Your parents certainly taught you well. Tell me do you now any martial arts?' Gohan asked as Goku nodded, 'Yes. I do know martial arts. I also know how to control my ki and I also know how to fly as well.' Goku said

'Ki control is it? Is it like the Kamehameha?' Gohan asked

'Kamehameha?' Goku asked

'It's a charged up energy blast that is the special move of Master Roshi.' Gohan explained, 'You form your hands to the side and chant the name of the move and thrust your hands forward creating a blue energy beam.'

'Is it like this?' Goku asked as he lifted his hand and released a ki blast at a tree blowing it up

'Yes. That is exactly what I mean Goku.' Gohan said as he looked at the blown up tree with awe, 'My. You're quite powerful. I could train you some more so you can draw out more of that power Goku. I don't have the ki control as you do, but I can teach you some martial arts.' Gohan looked at Goku as Goku looked happy and nodded, 'I'm under your care Grandpa. Please take care of me!' Goku said as Gohan's face had a beaming smile as he took Goku's hand.

7 and a half years later Goku was living alone in the mountains. He was going on as business as usual when he was hungry and caught a big fish. Bulma then came into the scene driving her vehicle towards Goku when she hit the brakes, 'Hey watch it kid! You almost got hit!' Bulma yelled as Goku jumped and bowed slightly, 'I'm sorry.' Goku said

'Now the dragon ball must be in that house over there. Hey kid. Can I stay at your place for a while?' Bulma asked

'My name is not kid. My name is Goku. And who is asking?' Goku asked Bulma

'The name is Bulma and I just need a place to stay for a while. Just to rest.' Bulma said as Goku thought about and then nodded, 'Okay. Take as long as you need.' Goku said as he picked up the giant fish that he had on him with ease and then walked into his home, 'Guess we are having fish for lunch.' Bulma thought as he saw Goku's tail and armor, 'Hey. Why do you have a tail and what is up with those clothes Goku?' Bulma asked as Goku looked back at his tail and then at his armor

'Oh. My tail? It's hereditary. And this is just armor to protect myself with.' Goku explained

'Huh.' Bulma satisfied with the explanation as she crossed her arms. The Dragon Balls in Goku's house and Bulma's bag glowed, 'Huh? Grandpa's Ball is glowing.' Goku said, 'Huh. What do you know. That's the four star Dragon Ball.' Bulma said as she took out her two Dragon Balls and laid them on the table.

'Dragon Balls?' Goku asked

'The Dragon Balls. Speaking of which, where is your grandpa? I would like to meet him.' Bulma said as she looked around

'Ah. Grandpa Gohan is dead. He died 3 years ago, but that's okay. Grandpa taught me how to survive in the mountains by myself. He was a great teacher.'

'Was he?'

'Yeah. So why do you need my Grandpa's ball Bulma?' Goku asked

'Well legends says that the balls contain a dragon and that the dragon will not come out until all the balls come together. There are seven balls in total.' Bulma explained as Goku nodded, 'Okay. So what you are saying is that when all seven balls are gathered. The dragon can be summoned. What happens after that?'

'The Dragon will grant you one wish.' Bulma said

'How do you track the Dragon Balls anyway? You seemed to know the exact location of my Grandpa's ball.'

'Don't underestimate the power of science Goku.' Bulma said as she pulled out her dragon radar and pressed the button at the top, 'See these three dots? These are where the three dragon balls that we have are currently are. And it seems the closest dragon ball is about 750 miles to the west.'

'That seems pretty far, but if I fly there then we can reach the Dragon Ball in no time.'

'You can fly? How do you do it?' Bulma asked surprised

'I'm not sure you can fly since you can't manipulate Ki Bulma.'

'Well it's not like I need to be able to fly anyways. I have my dino capsules after all.' Bulma said taking out a dino capsule and throwing it. A puff of smoke appearing and then after the smoke cleared it showed a motorcycle, Bulma got onto the motorcycle and started it, 'Come on Goku.' Bulma said as Goku nodded and got on the motorcycle. Soon after Bulma had to go to the bathroom so she ran behind a rock before screaming for help

'Goku please help me!' Bulma shouted as Goku went to see what was up. What greeted him was a giant Pterodactyl with Bulma in its left hand. Goku knew what was up as he was smarter than he looked

'Can you please let my friend go? Otherwise I will have to hurt you.' Goku said

'Ha. What can a little punk like you do? You won-.' The Pterodactyl said in mid-sentence as Goku buried his fist in the Pterodactyl's body. Knocking it out in one hit faster than the eye can see.

'Wow. Nice going Goku. You're a lot stronger than I thought huh?' Bulma said as she stood up and Goku nodded, 'Can you wait by the motorcycle please? I have some business to finish.' Bulma said as Goku patiently waited near Bulma's vehicle. Bulma came out a few seconds later and went onto her motorcycle, 'You ready to keep going?' Bulma asked Goku, 'Yeah. Let's find the next Dragon Ball!' Goku said enthusiastically as he hopped on the motorcycle as well

'Okay then! Here. We. Go!' Bulma yelled kicking the motorcycle into high gear as Goku laugh, 'Yahoo!'

When the sun is setting Bulma stops her motorcycle and gets off, 'Huh? Are we stopping all ready?' Goku asked as he also got off

'Yeah. Its getting dark and I don't want to sleep outside so we will just do this.' Bulma said as she took out the one big capsule and threw it quite far. The smoke cleared and in its place was a house.

'Looks like you get stuff anything into those capsules huh Bulma?' Goku asked

'Yeah. After all my dad is the founder of the company who makes these capsules. Its name is Capsule Corporation.' Bulma said as she went inside the house

'I can see why it's called Capsule Corporation.' Goku said following her. Night quickly fell as Goku and Bulma ate dinner.

'Hey. You said you lived with your grandpa in the mountain right? What happened to your parents? I didn't see them.' Bulma asked

'My parents died when I was 4 and a half years old. Do you want to see them?' Goku asked Bulma as he took out a notebook with a very detailed drawing of his mother, father, brother, and him all in the same Saiyan armor that Goku was wearing. Bulma took the notebook and looked at the drawing

'Wow. They all have tails just like you Goku? Do you come from another planet?' Bulma asked as she gave Goku his notebook back and Goku nodded, 'Yeah. I come from Planet Vegeta.'

'Well that explains the armor and the tail. You come from another planet. What is it like on Planet Vegeta?'

'Well I'm not sure. I haven't really explored it that much. What I do know is that the planet has gravity 10x that of Earths.' Goku said which really surprised Bulma

'No wonder you're so strong. I would really like to visit the planet if I had time.' Bulma said as Goku shook his head

'That's not possible, Planet Vegeta was destroyed, and for all I know I am the last of my kind left. Plus its light years away from Earth.' Goku explained

'Hmm. That is terrible having your home planet being destroyed. I can't imagine what it was like for you.' Bulma said as she looked at the time, 'Well it is time to go to bed. See you in the morning Goku.'

'Goodnight Bulma.' Goku said as he went to sleep

The next morning Goku woke up and put his Saiyan armor back on. He saw Bulma still sleeping so he decided to wake her up as politely as possible, 'Bulma? Can you wake up? We still have to search for the Dragon Balls.' Goku nudged Bulma a little, suppressing his strength so she wouldn't get hurt. Bulma woke up with a yawn and a stretch, 'I'm up Goku. Just let me get ready and we can keep searching for the Dragon Balls.' Bulma said as she went over to the dresser and started to comb her hair, 'Okay. I just be outside training.' Goku said as he went outside and stretched and then used the multiform technique

Goku was training with himself when he noticed a turtle in the distance. The four Goku's went back into a single body as he went over to the turtle, 'Excuse me. Are you lost?' Goku asked the turtle as the turtle nodded, 'Yes. I am indeed lost. I need to get home.'

'I can help you get home. Just let me get Bulma and we can get going!' Goku said enthusiastically as he went to get his friend

'What? You want to help the turtle get back to the ocean? Goku you can't help everyone you come across.'

'I know but I really want to help turtle. What if he never gets back home?' Goku said

'Well that's none of my business. You can help him if you want but I can survive on my own.' Bulma said

'Well okay. Its your funeral.' Goku said as he carried turtle on his back and ran full speed to the ocean

'Wait! I change my mind! Goku don't leave me behind!' Bulma said as she got on her motorcycle and chased down Goku. Soon after a Bear Thief confronted the three, but Goku made quick work of him by slapping his face and then throwing him into the air and then by finishing the thief by throwing a ki blast at it. After that was done the three made it to the ocean

'Wow. The water looks different than on Planet Vegeta's, but its more pretty!' Goku said as he placed down turtle, 'It's been so long since I've seen the ocean, but I'm glad I'm home again. Thank you Goku.'

'Why thank you turtle. It's the least that I could do for you after all.' Goku said smiling

'I want to show you something as thanks for bringing me home.' Turtle said as he went into the sea

'I wonder what turtle could bring back?' Bulma confused as she sat down on the sand and waited for turtle to come back

A little while later turtle came back with an old man wearing a turtle shell. He also had a Dragon Ball that was on his neck

'Seems like turtle is back' Goku said

'Ahoy there! Sorry I kept you waiting. I had to go and get my master.' Turtle said

'Man. Check that guy out.' Bulma said

'Well hello there kids.' The old man said with a wave

'Hi. How's it going? Welcome ashore.' Bulma replied back

'Kids I want to thank you for taking care of my turtle.' The old man said jumping off Turtle. Goku could sense the old man's power level was much much stronger than the foes he previously fought.

'It's our pleasure mister. Wait. Aren't you Master Roshi?' Goku asked

'Oh? You know who I am?' Roshi asked Goku as Goku nodded

'Yeah. You're Grandpa Gohan's teacher aren't you? I heard a lot from you from Gohan.'

'Did you now?


'If I remember correctly. Gohan wrote in a letter that your name was Goku, he also said that you had a tail and wore that strange armor,' Roshi said as he walked towards Goku, 'Well as thanks for taking my turtle home I would like to give you a gift Goku.'

'Thank you Master Roshi.' Goku said politely as Roshi turned towards the beach

'Come Magic Carpet!' Roshi yelled into the sea

'Magic Carpet?' Bulma asked dumbfounded

'What is a Magic Carpet?' Goku asked also confused

'A Magic Carpet is something that can fly and take you anywhere in the world.' Bulma explained

'Well if it's flying then I can use my ki for that.' Goku said

'Hey. Goku while we are on the subject. You never did fly once.'

'What can I say. Riding on the motorcycle was too much fun!' Goku chuckled

'Flying Nimbus come to me!' Roshi shouted as a golden cloud came to the three of them

'Wow. So this is the Flying Nimbus. Looks pretty cool.' Goku awed

'There must be something wrong with this cloud otherwise you wouldn't be giving it away right?' Bulma asked Roshi as he nodded


'Here. Let me show you.' Roshi said as he jumped and fell through the cloud

'Can I try it now?' Goku asked

'You can try. Nimbus won't let anyone on it unless they are pure of heart.' Roshi said as Goku nodded and floated up and stood on the Nimbus Cloud

'Wow. Its so soft. Like a bed.' Goku said as he jumped around on the Nimbus not once falling off. Goku then landed on the ground and looked at Nimbus.

'I wonder which of us is faster. Well here goes. 3. 2. 1!' Goku rocketed off into the air with Nimbus hot on his tail. Literally

'You never told me he could fly.' Roshi asked Bulma

'Well that's because I never seen him fly before.' Bulma said

Goku and Nimbus landed on the ground, 'I won!' Goku said cheerfully

Some days later. When the gang met Yamcha, Oolong and the others Goku went back to Master Roshi's place to train

'Hey! Master Roshi! Are you there?!' Goku yelled as Master Roshi came out, 'I'm here I'm here. So. What do you want Goku?'

'Well I was wondering if you could let me train here. Hey. If you give me parts then I can build a Gravity Chamber!' Goku said

'Gravity what?' Roshi asked

'Gravity Chamber. It's a machine that can simulate gravity so that people can train in it and get stronger as a result!' Goku explained

'Hmm…well you need money for that, but I think I have the parts to build this Gravity Chamber of yours.' Roshi said

Dbz Legacy Of Goku Rom

'Nice. That way I can get stronger.' Goku said excited as a white boat came ashore. A child with shaved head went onto the beach and greeted Master Roshi

'Greetings Master Roshi. My name is Krillin from the Orin Temple. I've come very far to learn from the very best.' Krillin explained as Roshi nodded, 'And I come bearing a gift.' Krillin said as he pulled out a magazine and gave it to Roshi

'Alright! You're accepted as my disciple young man. But only if you find me a girl. Goku here also needs to come with you so get along with him.' Roshi said to Krillin

'What perverts…Mom told me to never be a pervert. *Sighs* This is going to be a long day.' Goku thought as he looked at Krillin and Roshi

After Goku and Krillin met Launch and brought her home to Master Roshi's house, Roshi decided to make Goku and Krillin both of his disciples.

'Put these on guys.' Roshi said as he gave the three each a box. Goku opened it and reeled in disgust, 'No thanks.' Goku said as he threw the box into the air and blew it up with a ki blast

'Ah! My uniform!' Roshi shouted as Goku blew up the 'uniform' Roshi gave them

'It's not a uniform. It's lingerie you perverted old man!' Goku yelled, 'And I won't train in anything other than my Saiyan armor!'

'What is a Saiyan?' Krillin and Launch both asked surprised

'It's nothing you two need to know.' Goku huffed

'Let's get to a bigger island now.' Roshi said as he pulled out a dyno capsule and threw it into the water. Roshi, Launch, Krillin got into the boat while Goku flew up into the air

'Hey Goku. Why don't you ride in the boat with us?' Roshi asked Goku as Krillin and Launch were surprised at Goku flying at such a young age

'No way! I'm not getting into a boat with 2 perverts and a lady whose personality changes every time she sneezes!' Goku screeched

'Have it your way! However, if you don't drop the attitude I won't train you Goku!' Roshi shouted back as Goku stared at Roshi and landed in the boat, but Goku was still angry at the attitude's the two excluding Launch exhibited

Soon after the 4 landed at a bigger island and got out of the boat and got onto the ground. Roshi got out his house that was in capsule form and threw it. Making the house appear out of thin air.

'Alright then. How about a quick training session before dinner?' Roshi said to Goku and Krillin

'I'd love to train with you Master Roshi.' Krillin said

'Depends on what training that we are doing.' Goku said

'Launch may whatever she wishes.' Roshi said

'Why I would love to make some dinn- ah…ahhh…' She began saying making Roshi and Krillin run behind a boulder which made Goku give a weird look towards the both of them.

But Launch just made a yawn, 'Gosh. I am sleepy. Well have fun you three! I'll go make some food!' Launch waved at the three of them

'It was just a yawn you guys!' Goku said walking over to them

'Ma-man that was scary.' Krillin sighed with relief

'Anyway. For your training you will have to understand the basics of martial arts. Krillin have you studied martial arts before?' Roshi asked Krillin as he nodded

'Yes Master Roshi. I've studied for 8 years at the Orin Temple.'

'Good. Then I can skip on explaining what a punch and a kick are. For now lets go from that rock to that tree. It's about 100 meters give or take.' Roshi pointed

'That's not that far.' Goku thought

'You want us to race?' Krillin asked

'Running is a good test of speed and strength. Though of course if you're an expert fighter you shouldn't have to be the one that has to run away!'

'I'll run first Master Roshi.' Krillin said chuckling with an untold amount of cockness

'Ooh confident aren't you?' Roshi asked

'Well you will both see why. I could probably make the Olympics if I wanted to.' Krillin said as he and Roshi got into position

'On your mark…get set…GO!' Roshi yelled as Krillin ran forward at a pace that Goku could beat just by walking. At least that's what it seemed to him as Krillin passed Roshi

Roshi hit the stopwatch and looked at the time, 'Wow. A solid 10.4 seconds. For a kid you're quite fast.' Roshi said to Krillin

'Yeah yeah…It's an okay run…I usually make it around 10.1 …I don't know what happened but I guess the wind was against me…' Krillin huffed trying to catch his breath

'The wind was against you? There was barely a puff of wind when you ran.' Goku mumbled as he got up, 'Alright. I'm ready to try now. Hey Hermit! I'm ready now!' Goku shouted as Roshi turned to him

'Settle down Goku. Don't be a showoff…now…on your mark…get set…GO!' Roshi yelled as Goku leaped forward in an instant. Being a blur to both Roshi and Krillin. Roshi however was barely able to keep up as he hit the stopwatch and looked at the time

'1.5 seconds?' Roshi mumbled

'What's next old man?' Goku asked Roshi

'Goku…what kind of training did you do to get that fast at your age?' Roshi asked Goku

'Nothing that you two could have survived.' Goku thought back to the Saibamen, Gravity Training, and Ki Blasts.

'Well for two young men. Especially Goku, you did quite well for yourselves, however Krillin you have to train some more and surpass human limitation if you want to be like me.' Roshi said to Krillin, 'What do you mean Master Roshi?'

'I'll show you. For that Goku can you hold my stopwatch?' Roshi asked as Goku nodded and took of his shell, 'Wait. You're going to run too Master Roshi?'

'Yup. I hope I still got it.' Roshi said as he took off his shell and cracked his neck and legs and then threw his shell towards the rock breaking it into pieces

Roshi was at the tree and Goku and Krillin were at the rock, 'On your mark…get set…Go!' Goku yelled as he started the stopwatch. Roshi ran forward incredibly fast as Goku clocked his time. Roshi turned his head, 'What's my time?'

Goku looked at the stopwatch, '5.6 seconds.'

'5…5.6 seconds?' Krillin gasp. Surprised at how fast Roshi was. Goku was impressed that a human could run the 100 meter in 5.6 seconds

'5 and 6th tenths huh? Not to bad.' Roshi said as he put his turtle shell back on, 'Krillin that's what I mean by surpassing human limitation. Goku here has already surpassed that barrier so instead I'll be teaching you Krillin and Goku can do whatever he wants until the lesson is over.'

'Y-yes master.' Krillin said as he paid attention.

'All that running made my tongue dry. Krillin can you go get me a Beer?' Roshi asked

'Right away Master.' Krillin said as he went into the house, but as he did, Launch chased him out of the house in her Bad Launch with a knife

'AAAAHHHH!' Krillin yelled as he ran from Bad Launch

'Slow down you little pig!' Launch chased him down as Goku chuckled at Krillin's misfortune

'Hmm…Krillin ran the 100 meter in 8.8 seconds.' Roshi said as he looked at the stopwatch.

After a while Launch went back to being Good Launch. She dropped the knife at Krillin's feet, 'Oh dear. I could have sworn I was just in the kitchen. Oh look. I dropped my knife.'

Sometime later as the Sun was setting

'And that's a brief explanation on how to go beyond your limits Krillin.' Roshi said to Krillin as Goku was training against 3 other copies of him in the sky

'That makes sense Master Roshi.' Krillin said

'Good. Then we will work on applying it Tomorrow morning. Now you have one more test to perform before we go inside to that wonderful smelling supper.' Roshi said as he picked up a stone and drew something on it, 'Take a good look at this stone. Have you memorized it Krillin?' Roshi asked

'I think so.'

'Good.' Roshi said as he threw the rock down the cliff and into the forest below, 'Oh yeah. Still got the old arm.' Roshi said

'The test is to throw stones?' Krillin asked

'Throwing stones is not the test here. The test is to find mine and bring it back to me.' Roshi said in the calm voice

'You mean the one you just threw?' Krillin asked as Roshi nodded

'Anyone can throw a stone. Just like anyone can throw a punch, but to find the stone takes a focused mind and a calm spirit. This is what will separate you from the others.' Roshi explained, 'And so. If you find the stone within 30 minutes then you don't eat.' Roshi said as Krillin jumped

'N-no supper if I don't find the stone within 30 minutes?! I better get going!' Krillin said as Goku stopped his training and landed on the ground to see what was going on. Krillin racing off into the distance and then sliding to a stop as he saw the sheer drop of the cliff

'Darn it! There is no way down!' Krillin yelled, 'I better find a detour.' Krillin ran to find another way down, but then stopped and thought for a moment, 'Hold on. There is no waythat I can find the stone within half an hour. Maybe there is a…' Krillin thought as he got a smirk on his face as he came up with an idea. Then picked up a rock and ran to someone and asked for a pen and drew the symbol on the rock and then ran back to Master Roshi and gave him the fake rock

'It was hard, but I found it.' Krillin gasped to regain his breath.

Dragon Ball Z Legacy Of Goku 2 Train With Master Roshi Online

'Good job. Very quick.' Roshi said as he looked at the marking and then threw it at Krillin's head, 'NICE TRY LAMEO! BUT THAT'S NOT MY HANDWRITING! NOW GET OUT!' Roshi yelled at Krillin

'Waah. I'm sorry master!' Krillin ran outside to find the rock while Goku was doing pushups and sit-ups to past the time.

After a while Krillin found the stone and went back to Master Roshi

2 days later after Launch unknowingly fed Goku, Krillin and Roshi Pufferfish they were ready to train.

'Krillin wake up. Its time to train!' Roshi said to Krillin

'Huh? Is it time to train?' Krillin asked as he looked at the clock, 'I don't think even the worms have woken up yet.' Krillin yawned

'Hey. You know the saying. The early worm gets the bird…wait no…' Roshi said as he put on his clothes and went upstairs to wake up Goku only to find Bad Launch sleeping, 'Oh no. Launch must have sneezed in her sleep. Goku? Goku?' Roshi said quietly as he looked around for Goku, 'Seems like Goku woke up early. That's good.' Roshi said as he quietly closed the door behind him and got Goku and Krillin together. They then went over to the Milk depot where a goat waited for them

'Alright. You two can take one of each. We are going to deliver milk.' Roshi said as two crates of milk stood by the entrance

'You want us to deliver milk?' Krillin asked

'Yes. And looking at the map. Let's skip to the house. It's three miles from here.' Roshi said

'3 miles?!' Krillin yelled out in surprise as he and Goku each held a crate

'Yes. Now come along.' Roshi said as Goku and Krillin skipped along with Roshi, but Goku was much faster so he was done by the time Krillin and Roshi got to him

Dragon Ball Z Legacy Of Goku 2 Train With Master Roshi Dbz Fusions

'Krillin. Try to keep up will ya? Now for the next two miles…'

'You mean there is more?!'

'Of course there is more!' Roshi yelled, 'How about we zigzag between the trees along this path.' Roshi said which made Krillin fall to the ground. Goku just looked at Roshi and Krillin and zigzagged along the trees like Roshi wanted him to, 'Come on Krillin. Goku is already moving.' Roshi said as he zigzagged along the trees. Krillin following suit. Soon Krillin tried to cheat, but Roshi made Krillin go back to the start

Moments later Krillin, Goku, and Roshi finally finshed the delivery route, but Krillin wasn't done yet. However Krillin fell to the ground in exhaustion

'Krillin did I say you could rest?!' Roshi yelled as Krillin stood to attention

'Good. Now we are going to take a break from running and take a few steps instead.' Roshi said as Goku climb the stairs abnormally fast

'Finally I can catch my breath.' Krillin sighed, until he looked up and promptly froze, 'A few steps?!'

'I may have been hasty when I said Master Roshi's training wasn't tough.' Krillin breathed trying to get as much air as possible into his lungs.

Goku was already at the top and took one last breath before meditating. Roshi was second to arrive

'Goku. I don't have anything to teach you so I will give you the parts that you need for the Gravity Chamber. I'll keep training Krillin so that he doesn't slack off.' Roshi said as Goku opened his eyes

'Alright. I'll see you back at the house Hermit.' Goku said as he flew off

A couple of weeks went by when Goku was finished building the Gravity Chamber. He made it so that it could go to 100x Earth's gravity. Goku was training in 10x Gravity and slowly made his way up to 20, 30, and 40x in 4 months' time. And by the time the WMAT came around Goku was training at 70x gravity.

This story takes some parts of ChrissyxAnime31 True Hero story. If you want to know what the original story was like type in 'Dragon Ball fanfiction True Hero'

Power Levels

Goku/Kakarot (Beginning) – 450

Goku/Kakarot (WMAT) – 5,000

The Legacy Of Goku 2

Krillin- 8

Krillin (WMAT) – 22

Roshi (Surpressed)- 68

If Goku's Power Level is wrong let me know and I will fix it. Thanks for reading. New Chapters will be out soon.

Played 1 955 825 times

True to the DBZ series, created by Akira Toriyama, the Legacy of Goku II follows events from the Trunks Saga until the completion of the Cell Games. After the death of Gohan, assassinated by Androids 17 & 18, Trunks has no other choice but to go back in time, 16 years ago, to change the course of history. You will begin to assume the role of young Gohan before taking control of Piccolo, Trunks, Vegeta and Goku himself. Epic fights await you against tough opponents such as Dr. Gero, Androids 17, 18, 19 and of course Cell.
Released in 2003 on the Game Boy Advance (Nintendo), this fighting RPG game features 20+ hours of gameplay and can be played here online.
Game Controls:
Enter: Start
Bkspace: Select
Arrows: Move
Z: Button A
X: Button B
A: Button L
S: Button R
See also:
Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku 1
Dragon Ball Z: Buu's Fury

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